MLB - Viewer Video Submissions
Got Somthin' To Say?!
Have you wanted to speak your mind with regards to craft beer? Maybe you want to tell everyone how GREAT
a local craft beer is or maybe you just despise Mr. Liquid Bread so much, that you just want to tell him to
go to hell. If any of this applies to you....pull out your cell phone and watch this video....it will help you relax.
Victory Brewing Co. - Kirsch Gose
Brewery: Victory Brewing Co., Downington, PA
A review of German inspired Gose with tart cherries added at post fermentation.
This episode features broken hymens, cherries being popped, a guy losing his virginity, Joe Paterno and a drunk dude supervising a yard sale.
120 Second Beer Review - Griffin Claw Brewing Co. Mr. Blue Sky
Brewery: Griffin Claw Brewing Co., Birmingham, MI
A quick video of Mr. Blue Sky from Griffin Claw Brewing Co. out of Birmingham, MI. A nice American wheat beer that has coriander and grapefruit peel.Add Description here
120 Second Beer Review - Fish Brewing Co. Bolg
Brewery: Fish Brewing Co., Olympia, WA
120 second beer review of Bolg from Fish Brewing Company. Fish Brewing Co. is out of Olympia, WA. Bolg is one of three beers brewed for the Hobbit movies.
120 Second Beer Review - Oskar Blues Pinner
Brewery: Oskar Blues, Brevard, NC
The inaugural 120 second beer review. Oskar Blues Pinner Throwback IPA.
O'So Brewing Co. - Lupulin Maximus
Brewery: O'So Brewing Co., Plover, WI
A wonderful tasting DIPA from Wisconsin that has a special prize inside every bottle. I like to call this the Tequila worm of beer.
The Oracle vs. Aged Hopslam
Brewery: Bell's Brewing Co., Comstock, MI
Some people have suggested that Bell's The Oracle is simply aged Hopslam. In this episode my assistant and I break down both beers to figure out if this myth is busted or not.
Founders Brewing Co. Devil Dancer
Brewery: Founders Brewing Co., Grand Rapids, MI
Beer review of Founders Brewing Co. Devil Dancer by Mr. Liquid Bread and Mannix. This episode features a cameo by Kid Rock and his new contract brewery and also some not so friendly words about Patrick Swayze.
Cigar City Brewing Co. Jai Alai
Brewery: Cigar City Brewing Co., Tampa, FL
Beer review of Cigar City's Jai Alai IPA, by Mr. Liquid Bread, featuring a Miami Vice soundtrack, drunk Scotish (or Irish) dude...and one hell of a beer.
Victory Brewing Co. Dirt Wolf
Brewery: Victory Brewing Co., Downingtown, PA
Beer review of Victory Brewing Co. Dirt Wolf, featuring Creed Shreds, Strange Brewsings, Car Twerking and the Coors Light Party Train.
DC Brau On the Wings of Armageddon
Brewery: DC Brau, Washington D.C.
Beer review of DC Brau's On the Wings of Armageddon, by Mr. Liquid Bread.
New Holland Brewing Co. El Mole Ocho
Brewery: New Holland Brewing Co., Holland, MI
New Holland Brewing Company beer review of El Mole Ocho by Mr. Liquid Bread and Mannix.
Stochasticity Project Grapefruit Slam IPA
Brewery: Stochasticity Project (a.k.a Stone Brewing Co.), Escondido, CA
Beer review of Stochasticity Project Grapefruit Slam IPA by Stone Brewing Company. This episode features Onyx, Luke Skywalker and Chewbacca.
Goose Island Bourbon County Brand Coffee Stout
Brewery: Goose Island, Chicago, IL
Beer review of Goose Island Bourbon County Brand Coffee Stout featuring OutKast, The Blues Brothers and Bluto from Animal House.
Cock Fight Episode - Big Red Coq vs Big Cock vs Velvet Rooster
Beer review, cock fight edition. Featuring Brewery Vivant's Big Red Coq, Great River Brewing Big Cock and Tallgrass Brewing Company's Velvet Rooster.
Dark Horse Brewing Co. Reserve Special Black Ale
Brewery: Dark Horse Brewing Co., Marshall, MI
Beer review of Dark Horse Brewing Company's Reserve Special Black Ale, featuring Bryan Wiggs, Public Enemy, some dude eating coffee grounds and me, Mr. Liquid Bread.
Tribute to Domestic Beer Reviews
Mr. Liquid Bread beer review tribute to all the craft beer reviewers on YouTube that do domestic, macro beer reviews.
St. Sixtus Westvleteren XII
Brewery: St. Sixtus, Westvleteren, Belgium
Beer review of the White Whale Westvleteren XII, featuring HoggieBeerReviews, monks slamming beer, the Beer Geek Nation crew and chadzbeerreviews.
DuClaw Brewing Co. Sweet Baby Jesus
Brewery: DuClaw Brewing Co., Hanover, MD
DuClaw Brewing Co. Sweet Baby Jesus beer review by Mr. Liquid Bread.
Hair of the Dog Adam - No Wood
Brewery: Hair of the Dog, Portland, OR
Beer Review of Hair of the Dog Brewing Company Adam. No wood involved with this beer.
Alltech Lexington Brewing & Distilling - Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Stout
Brewery: Alltech Lexington Brewing & Distilling, Lexington, KY
Beer review of Alltech Lexington Brewing & Distilling - Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Stout by Mr. Liquid Bread. This episode features a dueling banjos, a modified Canadian national anthem, mother fucking bootleg fireworks, ostrich racing....and bourbon barrel beer.
Lucky Bucket Brewing Co. Certified Evil (2010)
Brewery: Lucky Bucket, La Vista, NE
Beer review of 2010 Lucky Bucket Brewing Co. Certified Evil by Mr. Liquid Bread. This episode features Dr. Evil, Drunk Cereal Dude and Drunk Alex Trebek.
Half Acre Daisy Cutter
Brewery: Half Acre Beer Co., Chicago, IL
Beer review of Half Acre Daisy Cutter by Mr. Liquid Bread. This episode features Duice, MC Hammer, Julia Dales, Afroman and union stunt crickets.
Three Floyds Zombie Dust
Brewery: Three Floyds, Munster, IN
Beer review of Three Floyds Zombie Dust. This episode features Mr. Liquid Bread Sr., Mannix, the Zombie Kid, Robert Fraga and David Kimmel and an assortment of tramp stamps.
Kuhnhenn Brewing Co. Barrel Aged 4th Dementia
Brewery: Kuhnhenn Brewing Co., Warren, MI
Beer Review of Kuhnhenn Brewing Co. Barrel Aged 4th Dementia with Mr. Liquid Bread and special guest Scott "The Beer Apprentice" Shrewsberry.
Dark Horse Brewing Co. Double Crooked Tree IPA
Brewery: Dark Horse Brewing Co., Marshall, MI
Beer Review of Dark Horse Brewing Co. Double Crooked Tree IPA with Mr. Liquid Bread. This episode features "Hammer", Steve Spurrier and a dreadlock dude hanging a beer from his nasal septum.
Three Floyds Broo Doo
Brewery: Three Floyds Brewing Co., Munster, IN
Beer Review 3 Floyds Brewing Company Broo Doo by Mr. Liquid Bread.
Shorts Brewing Co. Aorta Ale
Brewery: Shorts Brewing Co., Bellaire, MI
Mr. Liquid Bread reviews Shorts Brewing Company's Aorta Ale, featuring Don Johnson, H-Town, Shawn Kemp, Kelly LeBrock and the boys of Weird Science.
Bells Hopslam vs. Arcadia Hop Rocket
Brewery: Arcadia Ales, Battle Creek, MI
Bell's Brewing Co., Comstock, MI
Beer Review of Bells Brewing Co. Hopslam vs Arcadia Ales Hop Rocket.
Arcadia Brewing Company Barrel Aged Shipwreck Porter
Brewery: Arcadia Ales, Battle Creek, MI
Beer review of Arcadia Brewing Company Barrel Aged Shipwreck Porter by Mr. Liquid Bread and AJ Kuehner.
MillKing it Productions AXL Pale Ale
Brewery: MillKing It Productions, Royal Oak, MI
MillKing it Productions AXL Pale Ale beer review by Mr. Liquid Bread.
Founders Brewing Company Canadian Breakfast Stout
Brewery: Founders Brewing Co., Grand Rapids, MI
The latest Mr. Liquid Bread w/ special guest Stormin' Norman, dive into the mystery of Founders Brewing Co. Canadian Breakfast Stout. Chocolate or Coffee, which is it? Watch and you decide.....
Schmohz Brewing Oktoberfest
Brewery: Schmohz Brewery, Grand Rapids, MI
Schmohz Brewing Oktoberfest beer review by Mr. Liquid Bread.
New Belgium Brewing Co. Ranger IPA
Brewery: New Belgium Brewing Co., Fort Collins, CO
New Belgium Brewing Company Ranger IPA beer review by Mr. Liquid Bread.
Odell Brewing Co. Levity Amber Ale
Brewery: Odell Brewing Co., Fort Collins, CO
Odell Brewing Company Levity Amber Ale beer review by Mr. Liquid Bread. This episode features the music of Ween, a drunk Mr. Liquid Bread, the "HUH?" Brothers and the L.A. County Fair.
Shorts Brewing Co. Sustenance Black Beer
Brewery: Shorts Brewing Co., Bellaire, MI
Shorts Brewing Co. Sustenance Black Beer review by Mr. Liquid Bread.
Ska Brewing Buster Nut Brown Ale
Brewery: Ska Brewing Co., Durango, CO
Ska Brewing Buster Nut Brown Ale beer review Mr. Liquid Bread.
Lucky Bucket Brewing Co. IPA
Brewery: Lucky Bucket Brewing Co., La Vista, NE
Lucky Bucket IPA beer review by Mr. Liquid Bread.
Molson Brador
Brewery: MolsonCoors
Molson Brador beer review by Mr. Liquid Bread.
Schmohz Brewing Hopknocker Imperial I.P.A.
Brewery: Schmohz Brewing, Grand Rapids, MI
Schmohz Brewing Hopknocker Imperial I.P.A. beer review by Mr. Liquid Bread and the Original Beer Whisperer.
Atwater Block Brewery Dirty Blonde
Brewery: Atwater Brewery, Detroit, MI
Atwater Block Brewery Dirty Blonde beer review by Mr. Liquid Bread and Mannix.
Victory Brewing Co. - Kirsch Gose
Brewery: Victory Brewing Co., Downington , PA
Mr. Liquid Bread review of Victory Brewing Company's Kirsch Gose. A German inspired Gose with tart cherries added at post fermentation.
This episode features broken hymens, cherries being popped, a guy losing his virginity, Joe Paterno and a drunk dude supervising a yard sale.